Starting a Women's Initiative Program

This section provides you with a step by step approach on how to jump start or refresh a women’s initiative program in your firm. 每一步, the action plan highlights either existing or new 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 resources to help your firm succeed.


Women Initiative Action Plan and Timeline
Begin by using this checklist to plot your course. This document encourages firms to employ metrics to measure where they stand today and their progress. It also assigns accountability for each step to champions within the firm and calls for a review of results and necessary follow-ups. Firms can modify the document to their own needs, 但是一个循序渐进的时间表, 坚实的指标, accountability and follow-ups should be part of any plan.


The Attraction, Retention and Advancement of Women Leaders: Business Case  
This whitepaper is presenting the business case, challenges and strategies to be implemented at the individual and organizational levels.

Strategic Goals for 支持ing Women’s Initiatives 
This brochure offers a concise review of several critical strategic planning imperatives and how they are linked to women’s initiatives.

Firm members and leadership often have many questions and, 有时, misperceptions about the point of a women’s initiative. Use this 常见问题解答 to answer some of the key questions and help you build your business case and secure overall firm  buy-in.

Organizational Strategies: Retaining & 培养女性领导者
This whitepaper gives in an in-depth approach of the work and process to follow when developing and implementing strategies that facilitate progress for women in the profession.

Organizational Strategies: Retaining & 培养女性领导者 – Summary
Check-out some of the key highlights of the whitepaper to refer to and keep in your back pocket as you get started.

工具 & 模板

Sample Business Communication Document Template
This customizable PowerPoint presentation presents the business case for retaining and advancing women leaders and improving gender diversity.

在你开始一个行动计划之前, it’s important to determine the specific problems your firm is facing. These sample baseline survey questions are a great starting point to developing a survey to serve as a diagnostic for your firm.

This tool can be used within your firm to communicate and promote key milestones of your program. 

Steering Committee Charter Template
This document may serve as a starting point for establishing a charter for your firm’s own Women’s 领导 Initiative Committee.